Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Second Session of LYTT/DYP

Hello all. Glad to be back together - starting another session. The Bhagavad Gita books are in and although we won't use them until Session III, it's worth having them in advance to get started. We will discuss the History of Yoga on the all day as well as a more in depth discussion on the NiYamas -- the second limb of Ashtanga Yoga.

See link for 8 limbs info:

See you Monday.



Kurt said...
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Kurt said...

Glad to be back! and a welcome to our 2 additions Linda and Jen C. I look forward to their contribution to the class and to the blog.

While looking over my notes on the Niyamas it occured to me that Tapas - sustained practice wasn't only refering to asana, but also applies to the yamas, meditating, and all aspects of the 8 limbed path. Wow I have a life time of work ahead of me.



Linda said...

I would love the poem that you read in class about living(dying) posted on the blog! The one about the purse snapping shut. Thanks, Linda