Friday, September 7, 2007

Living Yoga Teacher Training/Develop Your Practice

Hello everyone.... welcome to the world of LYTT/DYP blogging.... it will be fantastic to have as much participation as possible to explore the various aspects of our program as well as to stay connected in between sessions. Current LY teachers will also be weighing in on the blogging and offer their words of wisdom, having been where you are now!!In this first posting I would like to offer the opportunity for us to post - living the Yamas off the mat.... please post how you do that, others you have observed, anything really.

Yamas ~ moral codes/ethical disciplines ~ establish yourself in peace
Ahimsa – non-violence in your thoughts, words, actions
Satya – truthfulness, integrity of thoughts, words, actions
Asteya – non-stealing/not taking what is not yours/not taking more than you need
Brahmacharya – healthy expression of sexual activity
Aparigraha – generous in every thought, word, action


Beth Berkeley said...

Thanks to all of you for sharing your energy and for the opportunity to be one of your teachers. I'd like to share some food for thought about the Yamas.

Before delving into the Yamas, the first limb of the eight limbed path of yoga, it is important to back up and look to the purpose of this methodology we call yoga, both historically and personally. Otherwise, the Yamas might feel like a "to do" or "not to do" list set up by some authority outside ourselves.
Once we bring this consciousness and intention to our yoga, we can then experience the Yamas as innate qualities of goodness that shine forth as the disparate parts of our selves become integrated into a whole. Now, they can serve as signposts, letting us know if we are on the right track along our path to experiencing the connectedness both within ourselves and in the world in which we live.

Kurt said...

I'm now officailly a "blogger" , that was easy. We have a great group of LYTT's really look forward to upcoming classes


karen said...

I enjoyed meeting you all and was intrigued by the variety of paths that have brought us together.
I am struck by the concept that yoga is like the many varieties of trees found in a forest--all seeking the light--just as we all are seeking. This brings to mind Aparigraha--in reference to different forms of yoga. I, too, have been uncomfortable with "sounding breaths" utilized in many Kripalu practices--it's just not my thing. There are many, however, who embrace it. Anything that brings an individual to a place of more conscious living has to be a good thing. Let's not judge --there's room for us all.

Kurt said...

Last night was great! A special thanks to "Mary-Beth Poppins" with her umbrella, for totally confusing me on what I thought I understood. But its good as I now have to re-examine what I thought I knew. Love having the 2 different styles of adds a lot of depth and breadth to the instruction.


Talitha said...

Thank you Beth & Maureen for a great experience last night!! I really took a lot from the time. It left me craving for more more more. :) I have been practicing my ujjayi breath since I left LY last night. I had my "Aha" moment with my breath this morning. It will be a good day.
Enjoy the day everyone!!