Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Breathing Blog from Beth

In the practice of Yoga we move from the gross to the subtle. We move from the outward expressions of the practice to the inward expressions of the practice: Drishti, Breath, Bandhas. Through these unseen parts of the practice, our postures become about moving energy rather than using muscular effort. Yoga becomes a way of expanding the ability to know our own mind and a way to open to the tremendous sensory information within our own body.

We all must start with the most gross aspects of the Ujjayi breath, breathing through the nose, lengthening the breath like a whispering from the back of the throat. Once we can stay with these aspects of Ujjayi, we are ready to begin to experience the breath as the movement of Prana, the ubiquitous life force energy that rides on the breath. Our attention then resides with the direction of movement of the air we are exchanging from within us and around us rather than primarily with what we are "doing" with the outer movements of the body. This is the beginning of articulating the deeper parts of our selves both mentally and physically. We begin literally to know where we are in space from the inside out.

I invite you all to explore this in your asana practice or simply sitting and breathing and share your experience with the group on our BLOG.
Inhale, direct the breath all the way down to the base of the body, the tailbone and the feet. Exhale, direct the breath upwards all the way from the base of the body through the crown of the head.

Victorious breath-

Last night was great! A special thanks to "Mary-Beth Poppins" with her umbrella, for totally confusing me on what I thought I understood. But its good as I now have to re-examine what I thought I knew. Love having the 2 different styles of teachers...it adds a lot of depth and breadth to the instruction.Kurt
September 18, 2007 5:41:00 AM PDT

Talitha said...
Thank you Beth & Maureen for a great experience last night!! I really took a lot from the time. It left me craving for more more more. :) I have been practicing my ujjayi breath since I left LY last night. I had my "Aha" moment with my breath this morning. It will be a good day. Enjoy the day everyone!!


cindy said...

hi beth and maureen, i wish that you were able to offer ceus for these classes!! i believe i will be profoundly influenced by these lessons. i feel that i get glimpses of this "breathing" thing and then it is gone. easily distracted am i!!! i cant wait to try to apply this in a class. beth i love your closing, "victorious breath" if only we could feel victorious as easily as we breath!! a ha, but it is not as easy as we thought??? looking forward to more!! ps. great blog responses!!

Selina said...

I've also had a few a-ha's with my breathing... It feels much more grounded than the typical inhale/up breathing. It makes me think of being under water, pushing off the side of a swimming pool to swim or float away. Does this make sense to anyone?! I agree with Cindy... to apply this in class will be interesting, now that I'm getting the hang of it while meditating and driving. :)

karen said...

I really identified with the analogies of last night, Beth. Very cool to picture Bandhas as locks and....... the concept of inner heat generated by breath being capable of destroying negative energy--THAT is wild! Thanks for providing some "whys"--(oh, if only I could quiet my busy mind)

Kurt said...

I particularly identified with the picture of the bandha's as sealing off ends of a tube, with Uddiyana Bandha increasing the pressure in the middle. What came to my mind is when your trying to make those balloon animals and you twist the balloon in the center how it fills the other sections of the balloon.

The adjustments on postures was also very helpful, just a movement of a few inches one way or the other completely changed the look and feel of the asana

karen said...

Hey Kurt--that one works for me too! Strong visuals!