Monday, August 10, 2009

Sweet Baby J - written by a member of the US Army

Someone very important to me once told me an important story. While puttering in his barn on a rainy Sunday in the spring, a James Taylor song came across his speakers. The secret of life, as the song says is in enjoying the passing of time. Through our discussion, one that I will cherish forever, I realized that I didn’t truly possess the ability to grasp that concept. Time and the passing of it, had become and remains to be an inevitable and fluid thing. Time is something that nobody has ever been able to understand.

I have been out here (Iraq) for over 7 months now, and in two weeks I should have my feet somewhere on US soil, God willing. On July 21st I will reach my 4 year mark as a member of the US Army. By that time I will have spent 22 months deployed to Iraq, 2 months in Ranger School, over 6 months in the field, and less than 3 months at home. I work in a rush, to hurry up and knock out a task to hurry up and wait. I am guilty of waiting on my life to happen while time slips through my fingers. I still have infinite perspective on things to give thanks for, yet I have never had an outstanding relationship with time.

I have learned more since I left than I ever did while I was home. The things I learned while away gave meaning to my past. I have enjoyed passing time knowing that hardships already endured were not arbitrary occurrences in my life rather well calculated events given to me in preparation for something more rewarding. So I take it all now, or as much of it as I can swallow down, with a grain of holy salt and when it all seems like it’s just times way of beating down on me I don’t lose hope. Every struggle endured has a hidden message behind it. I know this to be true for me, it always has been. I will hurt and stumble, suffer and fail only to taste something sweeter on the backside- a direct reflection of a time where I was lacking, or the situation was uncomfortable. We can always learn in time, from ourselves from others, so long as we stay committed to doing exactly that. Passing time in the presence of others and enjoying things they know that you don’t is divinely purposeful.

I will enjoy this passing the best that I can, and if I can’t thrive here how I expect myself too then I will simply hang on. And time will continue and the lesson will be driven home, and when I can thrive it will become obvious again, that nothing is for nothing. We can all find purpose in the passing of time, through good times and especially through hard times but the trick is enjoying your life in the absence of an extreme- and not being bored.

I don’t know many people who capture the essence of their lives but in maybe thirty or forty key moments in their lifetimes. There are milestone events we each encounter goals we set and attack, or set and forget, there are things we accomplish and things we say we always wish we had done but never remedy. As we get older the milestones change from graduating high school, to getting married, to having a child, or buying a house. We never take time to enjoy the passing of our ordinary days. It’s hard to imagine each day we spend here on earth as a milestone, because some days are routine and rudimentary, static and planned. I guess those are the days I miss the most out here, the ones that seem so forgettable.

It’s easy to forget the day where you don’t remember anything happening. But it shouldn’t be too hard to remember that day as one spent with peace in your heart, with turmoil at bay. Life seems to happen to us when we are paying attention to something more glorious and elaborate. I have been away from America for so long now, away from the things I know exist that I feel like everything is new again. What is it that we do with our lives while we are waiting for that next big thing? Like the man told me, with tears in his eyes, he looked back at where he had come from to where he had arrived to now. He tightened a new blade down, on a saw that he had bought and enjoyed the passing of time. He looked to where he had come from and where he wanted to go, and somewhere in between found an infinite joy, he was happy to simply pass time.

I feel like I get it so confused sometimes, but I am learning that passing time is not the same as wasting it. There are so few endeavors in life that are useless and meaningless especially if they are arrived at with an open heart, and genuine intention. But why is it that we constantly feel like we are wasting time, yet when time is what we have we never have the presence of mind to enjoy it. I guess it boils down to identifying in ourselves what we want from our lives. I have and I don’t know where this road will lead but I am willing to walk down it. I have no time table and although it is painful at times and rugged in others, it is captivating not by the major events, but rather by the pleasure I am able to salvage from daily things. I don’t know what the secret of life is, nor may any of us ever know the answer to that question. But it is open to our own interpretations I suppose - the secret could be in the passing of time, or even in passing time trying to interpret just what that secret is.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Northwest Earth Institute Classes at Living Yoga

The “Green” movement has arisen out of genuine concern for the impact of human activity on the Earth.  Resource exploitation, overconsumption, and a lack of stewardship for our planet has resulted in global climate change, extinction of species, and extreme weather events that destroy lives and property.  Since the United States economy switched from an agricultural to industrial base, unbridled use of fossil fuels has driven growth and consumption to an unsustainable level.  The bio-capacity, or carrying capacity, of the Earth, as defined by William E. Rees author of “Footprints to Sustainability”, is “the maximum population of a given species that can occupy a particular habitat without impairing its long-term productivity”.  No matter how evolved or above the natural order some humans consider themselves, we are animals on Earth and our survival depends on our habitat’s ability to sustain us.  The idea of sustainability comes from this truth.

            There is not one clear, unified definition of sustainability.  One of my favorite definitions comes from the Center for Sustainable Communities.  “Sustainability is a trend to consider the whole instead of the specific.  Sustainability emphasizes relationships rather than pieces in isolation…Sustainability is not about regressing to primitive living conditions.  It is about understanding our situation and developing as communities in ways that are equitable, and that make sense ecologically and economically”.  Additionally, I believe sustainability has to do with thinking of the long-term implications of actions, behaviors, and lifestyles of excess.  As a parent, I am truly concerned about the Earth my children and grandchildren will inhabit.  I feel it is the obligation of the current generation to consider how their actions affect future generations’ quality of life.

            In an effort to become more involved in my community and educate myself on issues associated with sustainability , I participated in a Northwest Earth Institute discussion group titled Choices for Sustainable Living.  For seven weeks, ten members of the Asheville community gathered at a volunteer’s home and discussed the following topics related to sustainable living: A Call to Sustainability, Ecological Principles, Food, Buying, Communities, Business and Economy, and Visions of Sustainability.  We brought to the table our diverse life experience, strong opinions, scientific expertise, and universal sense of care and concern for our Planet.  Before we arrived for our weekly sit down, we read 5-7 articles from our workbook that never failed to provoke conversation that only ended because our 1 ½ hours were up.  I was eager to suggest to my mother, that I thought hosting a Choices for Sustainable Living group at Living Yoga would be an excellent way to bring members of the community together and educate one another on this pertinent issue.  If you have interest please let her know or e-mail me at  Once I arrive back in the Shire (it sounds more magical this way), I will be organizing other discussion groups from Northwest Earth Institute including Voluntary Simplicity, Healthy Children-Healthy Planet, and Exploring Deep Ecology.  Check out their website for more information.  Also important to note, the only cost is the book and it’s shipping…22 dollars.  I truly hope Living Yoga can be a home to a variety of these groups.  It was an educational, inspiring experience that brings people together to discuss and brainstorm solutions (no matter how small) to problems that we now face and that our children may have to inherit.

~Jaime Miller


Friday, March 27, 2009

How it all began, by Jaime Miller

The first yoga class I ever attended was a large workshop, with a well-known international teacher (Beryl Bender Birch), and dozens of very flexible, experienced practitioners.  Beryl started the weekend by asking if this was anyone’s first yoga class.  As my lone hand raised and many started laughing (not at me, but with me…I think) I realized that not only was the question intended to be a joke, but that I was in for it.  Beryl and Kathy McNames, owner of Yoga Vermont, wasted no time leading the group of advanced practitioners through the Primary Series.  They were moving on, with or without me.

That first 90 minute practice, I spent as much time looking around the room for guidance as I did trying desperately to have my pose somewhat incorporate the actual alignment.  Although the postures were extraordinary, most impressive was how focused, calm, and steady those around me looked.  The room was alive, full of energy and regulated by the constant ebb and flow of the breath.  It sounded like the ocean and I felt like a tiny dingy being tossed in the waves. 

            On Day 2 of the conference I was sore, but excited.  The focus of the weekend was the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga.  An ancient set sequence of postures, designed to cleanse the body from the inside out, increase strength and flexibility, and calm the mind.  Since I knew what to expect (from the previous day’s adventure) I was able to relax more.  I listened to the cues of the instructor who was constantly reminding us to “follow our breath”.  I still felt like I was flailing around compared to the strong, conscious movements of those around me, but something inside me knew that, with dedication and practice, I too could be more focused and calm…and maybe even be able to do a split one day.  I was hooked. 

After my crash course introduction to yoga, I found a studio in my community and began taking weekly classes (this was before the glorious creation of Living Yoga).  I also began reading books and talking to practitioners to try to gain a more holistic understanding of this ancient practice that had recently experienced somewhat of a pop-culture revival.  Sri Pattabi Jois, father of Ashtanga yoga says, “Practice and all is coming”.  I began to learn how true this is.  In yoga, you are your best and most insightful teacher.  When I wanted to know something: how my breath would take me deeper into postures, where my arm should be in Triangle, or how to remain calm in a challenging arm balance, I found the answer within.  Also, the answer came in its own time, and only when I was ready to integrate the new knowledge into my repertoire.  All my exciting progressions in my physical postures occurred when I was able to steady my mind and breathe. 

            Getting down to basics, yoga asks it’s students to be present.  Even if touching your toes seems like an outlandish concept, most of the greatest benefits of yoga are accessible to all people no matter your age, body type, or flexibility.  At the beginning of a class a lot of teachers will offer you the chance to set an intention for your time on the mat.  This could be to cultivate calming energy, to have your knee feel a little bit better, or to relax.  My teacher always asks that we bring our attention to the room and to the present moment, forgetting about what happened earlier in the day or what we are doing after class.  All these cues and mental exercises are encouraging the student to be present, to take some time out of their busy day to just focus on their yoga practice and themselves.  I find when I am able to do this I, without even trying, am able to relax and focus.

            As I continue along my journey as a student of yoga, I often recall my first experience: the exhilaration, wonder, confusion, and innate knowing that this practice could provide me with much, much more than a stronger, more flexible body.  That it could provide me with many ways to consciously and calmly approach my life on and off the mat.




The beauty is that people often come here for the stretch, and leave with a lot more.  ~Liza Ciano, co-owner & co-director of Yoga Vermont



Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Am Here to Teach You Patience by Jaime Miller

“I am here to teach you patience”.  As I bought my infant daughter Sage a tiny tee shirt with these words and a meditating Buddha Baby silk screened on it, I thought it was perfection on a onesie.  Having “adopted” my boyfriend’s daughter Jenna as my own child years ago, I was aware of children’s role as teachers in their care takers lives.  The birth of Sage augmented my role as Mother and I am reminded every day of the lessons children teach you.  Patience, selflessness, compassion…did I mention patience?

Now, as a mother of two living in the mountains of North Carolina away from my support system, asana practice has slowly dwindled from a regular routine to seldom sweet relief.  But, I assure you, I still do yoga every day.  Yoga is not solely a physical practice.  It is a complex system that, if adopted wholly, impacts your entire lifestyle.  Asthanga Yoga, Living Yoga’s foundational yoga style, is an eight limbed system that includes physical posture practice (asana), breath control (pranayama), and restraints or abstinence (yamas).  The yamas include non-harming (ahimsa).  Non-harming does not just mean non-violence, but kindness, friendliness, and thoughtful consideration of other people and things.  Considering the needs of others is a key component of mothering and something that children require of you all day.

Additionally, when I begin any asana practice, my intention is to cultivate peace.  Feeling peaceful amidst stressful situations can be difficult, but regular asana practice helps yoga practitioners to do so.  Typically, there are multiple postures during a practice that are truly difficult.  In pigeon, when your hips are screaming and your foot is numb, can you calm your mind?  Can you breathe through the stress and rising anxiety and release or do you hold onto the tension and feel anger towards the teacher who is holding you in the posture for so long? 

The same applies to kids and other individuals who challenge you (an ungrateful boss or rude cashier perhaps).  I try to remind myself of potential opportunities to refine key virtues as my baby screams at 2 a.m.: to be calm in the eye of the storm, to breathe, to be peaceful.  Amazingly, the more I practice, the more it’s possible.  Don’t get me wrong, I am challenged everyday by my role as a stay-at-home mother.  But on days when Jenna never stops talking and Sage won’t eat, sleep, or entertain herself when I want, I have to remember that they are teaching me patience, I am practicing yogic principles, and that very soon I will live within one hour of the best babysitters I could ever ask for: my parents.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Living Yoga on & off the mat - first entry by Jaime Miller, 3/3/09

The Bright Side of a Down Economy by Jaime Miller

Consumer spending is low, fear of the current economic situation is high, and individuals and families are putting more thought into what they do with their money.  One sector feeling the negative effects of people’s penny pinching is the travel industry.  Vacation travel, no doubt falling into the “luxury” category, is being replaced with what NPR reporter Tovia Smith is calling “comfort consumption”.  Instead of traveling, individuals are instead choosing to nurture themselves close to home at establishments such as spas and yoga studios.

Although travel can be a wonderful experience, it can also be stressful.  Haven’t you said to yourself, “I need a vacation after that vacation?”.  I certainly have.  Travel is also inherently energy intensive.  Flying does nothing good for your carbon footprint and many hotels and resorts are wasteful and mass consumers of resources.  Not only can staying close to home benefit your wallet and the environment, but it can benefit the local economy as well.  You can help revitalize yourself as well as local businesses by choosing to spend vacation and leisure time in your community getting a massage or practicing yoga at your local studio.  Living Yoga is offering many opportunities catering to those seeking relaxation and/or rejuvenation in their very own yoga community.  Check the calendar for events such as the Community Wellness Fair on March 21st and Yoga Spa Day on April 4th.

Overall, I encourage people to look at the bright side of this troubled financial time.  The down economy has forced consumers to slow down their spending and become more aware of what they do with their money (and time).  I consider this forced awareness a blessing.  I would welcome a shift from blind consumerism to conscious spending.  More people are asking whether or not they truly need this good or that vacation.   Additionally, with winter still heavy upon us (hey, we got 4 inches of snow down in North Carolina!!) it is naturally a time to slow down and conserve.  Combined with the current economic state of affairs, it is a good time to look within ourselves, through our yoga practice, and our communities for ways to relax and rejuvenate as we patiently wait for spring and a revitalized economy.